What Do Termites Eat
what do termites eat
How to live in the present
ou were born into poverty. There is nothing you can do about this.
Your parents were dysfunctional alcoholics. There is nothing you can do about this.
You were the high school cheerleader. Does anyone remember your glory days?
Your second cousin on your mother's side is the govenor. And, that does what for you?
Your kids never call you. OK, you made mistakes raising your children.
If you don't exterminate the termites, they will eventually bring the house down. Don't let the termites eat away at the foundation. Get rid of the terminites.
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We all have personal little demons that can act like termites eating away at our self-confidence and happiness if we allow them to go untreated.
You can't build a successful future if your foundation is slowly eaten away by resentments, grievances, animosities, bitterness and envy.
For good or bad, the past is the past. You walk with a limp. You have a Master's Degree. You went bankrupt. You married a nice person. Your brother went to jail. You are a combat veteran.
Termite EatsLearn more
For good or bad, lots of things have combined to bring you to where you are today. You won some. You made some mistakes. You were lucky. You got some bad breaks. You are a human being living in a chaotic, unfair world with unlimited possibilities for good and bad.
Now, in this moment, there are new choices. These are choices which will determine the direction of your future. Incorporate and embrace the good from you past. Exterminate and leave behind the bad from your past.
It isn't always easy or comfortable but decision by decision, you can choose to be your best. If you are an Action Principles(R) Champion, you are a tough, thoughtful, spiritual person of action. You are committed to self-improvment and service to others. This is today. This will be tomorrow. This is how you will live the rest of your life. This is what matters.
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